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 NYS Management Advocates for School Labor Affairs

Title IX Officer / Coordinator Training (Newark)

  • 01/31/2020
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • WFL BOCES, 131 Drumlin Ct, Newark NY


Registration is closed

(in Newark NY, Jan 31)

Mtg Materials:

SlidesScripts, and sample letters:

sustained, to complainant
sustained, to accused
unsustained, to complainant
unsustained, to accused

Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
131 Drumlin Court 
Conference Rm Ctr (GALA ROOM)
Newark NY

Presented by:
Dominic D'Imperio, Esq.
Director, Employer/Employee Relations
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES

New York and Federal requirements regarding policies and investigations for claims of sexual harassment and/or discrimination under Title IX of the Civil Rights Act and Section 296 of NYS Human Rights Law impose substantial obligations on School Districts and employers in New York that they must be prepared for with regards to investigating complaints and preparing necessary documentation and reports.  Starting with appropriate policies and procedures, schools must also be prepared to properly and timely investigate complaints, evaluate evidence, and make required determinations and notifications.  The goal of this session will be to provide specific training to individuals appointed as Title IX Coordinators and/or Officers and to provide you with the right tools to be able to ask the right questions and to reach the right answers.  Attendees will be given a certificate of completion for their training.

8:00 - 9:00am:  check-in and breakfast
9:00 -
Noon:  program

Self-register using the "register" button on this page or download the registration form, complete and return  (form has all the details).

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