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 NYS Management Advocates for School Labor Affairs

MASLA Roundtable +

  • 10/04/2019
  • 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • OCM BOCES, 200 Elwood Davis Rd, Liverpool NY

Registration is closed

Materials shared:
Retirment Health Ins (presentation)
Settlements (handed out)

10:00am - 3:30pm
200 Elwood Davis Rd (Onondaga Conf Room)
Liverpool NY 13066
(next door to OCM BOCES's Main Campus Bldg)

10:00 AM – Effective Strategies for Addressing Current Retiree Health Care Costs:

 What happened when some North County districts offered current retirees a cash-out alternative to their retiree health care benefit?  A large percentage of them took it!

  • Dominic D’Imperio, Director of Labor Relations Services at the Jeff-Lewis BOCES will discuss how the program was developed and the financial results for the retirees and the districts.

Factors to consider for retiree Health Care

  • Dave Cirillo, Director of Staff Relations at West Genesee CSD, and 
  • Mark Pettitt, Director of Labor Relations, OCM BOCES

Noon to 12:45 – Lunch (Pizza and Salad)
12:45 to 3:30 - Negotiators Roundtable

  • A roundtable discuss of the issues facing districts in negotiations this coming year.  We will share settlement data, results of litigation and updates on the latest trends in labor relations. 

There is no cost to this event.  We ask that you provide copies of settlement data or cases either in hard copy or electronically so we can post them.

We hope to see you on October 4th.  These conversations are an important way for us all to share information with our colleagues.  Please let us know if you are coming so we can get a good headcount. Use the "Register" button or email Erin at

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