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 NYS Management Advocates for School Labor Affairs

43rd Annual Summer Conference

  • 07/18/2021
  • 07/21/2021
  • Embassy Suites, 86 Congress St, Saratoga Springs NY


Registration is closed

July 18 - 21, 2021 (Sun – Wed)
Embassy Suites, 86 Congress St, Saratoga Springs NY, ph 518 290 9090

Click for Program (updated 7/15/21)


JUL 18 (9:00 - 11:30) - Collective Bargaining Strategies and Tools
JUL 18 (9:00 - 11:30) - Preparing for Integrated Strategic Negotiations
JUL 18 (12:30 - 2:30) - Labor Relations Toolkit (deck)
JUL 18 (12:30 - 2:30) - Labor Relations Toolkit (handout)
JUL 19 (8:45 - 10:45) - COVID Roundtable - What did we learn and how did we survive?
JUL 19 (11:00 - Noon) - Section 913 Exams
JUL 19 (1:15 - 2:15) - Edu Law 2-d (deck)
JUL 19 (1:15 - 2:15) - Edu Law 2-d.pdf (handout)
JUL 19 (2:30 - 3:30) - Workers' Compensation
JUL 20 (8:45 - 10:30) - Diversity, Inclusion, Implicit Bias
JUL 20 (8:45 - 10:30) - Understanding our Biases
JUL 20 (10:45 - Noon) - Legal Update
JUL 20 (1:00 - 2:00) - Effective & Legal Separation Agreements

JUL 20 (1:00 - 2:00) - Separation Agreements - Appendix A - Counseling Memo (example) 

JUL 20 (1:00 - 2:00) - Separation Agreements - Appendix B - Employee continues

JUL 20 (1:00 - 2:00) - Separation Agreements - Appendix C - Employee separation

JUL 20 (2:00 - 3:00) - Altered State of Affairs? - MRTA and Labor / Employment Issues for Schools

JUL 21 (8:30 - 11:30) - Title IX Investigations - Training 

JUL 21 (8:30 - 11:30) - Title IX Investigations - Attachments

Our Co-Sponsor, Hudson City School District, will apply for CTLE credit for school district administrators and CLE credit for attorneys. 

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